196. Top 10 Disney Villains: Who Makes it to Number One? Is it Scar? Jafar? Hook?

Published: March 13, 2021, 6 p.m.

"Let’s put all the princesses, adorable animal sidekicks, and valiant princes to the side. It’s time to turn off the lights, sing songs in a minor key, and fill the room with ominous green smoke that no one knows where it came from. Let’s talk about the bad guys! Disney villains are some of Disney’s most well-thought-out characters. While I doubt you can even name the prince in Sleeping Beauty (it’s Phillip, BTW), everyone knows who Maleficent is. She got her own movie, for crying out loud! As a rule of thumb, Disney villains are always scene-stealers. They usually have one of the most epic songs in their respective movies (Hellfire puts Let it Go to shame. Sorry, not sorry.) Unlike some of the side characters in Disney movies or even the prince, Disney villains almost never are one-dimensional. Do you want to disagree with me? Name me one notable personality trait of Prince Charming besides charming. You can’t do it."

For the written version of this article, click here: https://www.hollywoodinsider.com/top-10-disney-villains/ 

For the video version of this article, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRiLRWVRx8U

Hosted by Eileen Shortall and written by Carrie Fishbane

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