195. The Early Invention of Film and Motion Pictures: An Alchemical Breakthrough | History of Movies

Published: March 12, 2021, 6 p.m.

At the heart of photography and film is a chemical, optical process intuited by a multitude of medieval alchemists, artists, philosophers, mathematicians, and modern scientists, establishing the world of technology and art we see today. Predating the photographic era, the perspective of art, science, and the physical world was drastically different. Evolving incrementally over years of experimentation and discovery, leagues of visionaries set the stage for the development of Cinematic art, science, and new technology--forever transforming and shaping the cultural norms often taken for granted in the present day. The saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” can almost lose its original poetic timbre to someone who has been acclimated to the norms of our modern, technology-based culture and its ability to create (relatively) objective, fixed media records of reality itself. What is written language, but a thought, taken and frozen to retain its form for interpretation? This is the function of a still image in photography. But what did life look like before these technological breakthroughs formed the structures of our society?

For the written version of this article, click here: https://www.hollywoodinsider.com/invention-of-film-history-movies/ 

For the video version of this article, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9Bhuhs7_ag

Written by Melissa McGrath

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