How Banking Industry is rapidly changing.

Published: July 20, 2020, 11 a.m.

COVID - 19 Has forced a lot of companies in the new unknown. We are largely working from home as we try to adapt with new normal. A lot of companies have found innovative ways in terms of providing services to their clients.
 Banking industry is no different and are they are as well trying different ways to solve challenges for their customers.  We can witness a lot of innovations in the financial sector. There is a big push towards DeFi (Decentralized Finance ) which at least on paper sounds promising. 

In the same context Albert Castellana Chief Product Officer at Radix talks to Pramod Dhakal at Hitechies and shares his point of view on how he sees the evolution. 

In this conversation

Why we need stable coins ?

2) Challenges with Technology Adoption

“Trust” : An issue for traditional financial institution for not moving fast towards adoption. While it takes time for any technology to build trust before the rate of adoption increases. 

3) What can help the technology adoption faster ? 

4) Technological Advancement In Fintech Sector : Changing too fast or its slow ? 

5) Innovative Startups in the fintech space. 

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