What if China Had Discovered the New World?

Published: Aug. 17, 2017, 7 a.m.

b"This episode is second in our Alternate History Week series, where I look\\xa0at famous books of alternate history\\xa0and discuss why I think their alternate timelines aren't plausible. Today's book is Kim Stanley Robinson's 2002 book The Years of Rice and Salt. It explores how world history would have developed if the Black Death had killed 99 percent of Europe's population, with the Islamic world, the Chinese, and American Indians filling in the void. One section discusses China discovering and colonizing the New World. Here's why I think China would have never done so. \\xa0 TO HELP OUT THE SHOW Leave an honest review on\\xa0iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one. Subscribe on\\xa0iTunes\\xa0or\\xa0Stitcher"