An Infantry Officer's Fight Through Nazi Europe, From D-Day to VE Day

Published: June 19, 2018, 6:38 a.m.

b"Falling comrades, savagery of war, and the intense will to prevail in battle faced young Bill Chapman when he stormed the beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944. For the following eleven months Chapman served in the most hazardous duty in the Army\\u2014dodging Nazi captures and fighting for his and his brothers-in-arms\\u2019 survival.

To talk about Bill's story on today's episode of History Unplugged is his son, retired infantry officer and author Craig Chapman. Craig reveals his father\\u2019s first-hand account of the horror, fear, and danger from the front lines of WWII\\u2019s most momentous events, from his mortar unit's landing at Utah Beach on D-Day, through the brutal fighting in southern Germany against SS holdouts and Nazi extremists in the spring of 1945, to VE Day."