Valar Rereadis: AGOT - Part 11 of 11

Published: Aug. 12, 2019, 6 a.m.


Bran VII - The One where They Go Down into the Crypts aka the Gang gets a History Lesson (3:23)
\\nSansa VI - The One Where Joffrey Makes Her Look aka the Gang Browses Heads (27:45)
\\nDaenerys IX - The Gang Helps Dany Recover aka the One Where She Suffocates Drogo (39:38)
\\nTyrion IX - The Gang Hears about the Battle of the Camps aka the One where Tywin Yells \\u201cThey Have My Son\\u201d (1:12:09)
\\nJon IX - The One where Jon Runs Off aka the Gang Rescues Jon from Himself (1:30:07)
\\nCatelyn XI - The Gang Gets Loud about Some King aka the One where Robb gets Promoted (1:42:28)
\\nDaenerys X - The One where\\u2026 whoah Holy crap! Dragons! Aka the Gang Hatches Some Eggs (1:52:47)


Published September 16, 2019.




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