The 0888-888-888 Mystery

Published: Jan. 25, 2019, 8:20 p.m.

Special guest comedian improvisor Holly McKee-Clark (Second City, iO West) joins us in the studio for this special bonus episode. Having already smoked a Twisted Hemp Wrap packed with Tristan's Homegrown and Bananas, a Sativa Hash Bullet, and a Limited Edition Platinum Cookies Bare Woods Pre-Roll Blunt Collin explains the mystery behind the untimely deaths of those having the phone number 0888-888-888 while we smoke a Lowell Smokes Mystery Pre-Roll from Med Men Dispensary and a Purple Diamonds packed in a White Grape White Owl. 3 people in Bulgaria having the cell phone number 0888-888-888 have died within a short time of each other. This eventually lead to the discontinuation of the number.

You can see Holly (with Collin) at the Pack Theatre in Los Angeles, California on February 7th in Drunkards and Dragons where their special guest will be Jodi Dennithorne.