Out Now Ep. 38 - The Artist

Published: Dec. 14, 2011, 4:08 p.m.

b'This week\\u2019s episode of Out Now with Aaron and Abe is short on Abe but has Aaron and a couple other A\\u2019s (plus one M) to make it another Triple A episode! That\\u2019s right; Aaron, Alan Aguilera, Adam Gentry, and Mark Hobin all join in on the show this week to discuss the new silent film from director Michel Hazanavicius, The Artist. Lots of discussion about the film and tangents are within the main review section, but all the regular segments make their way into the episode as well. As always, the other segments include \\u201cKnow Everybody\\u201d, Trailer Talk (The Three Stooges and Battleship), Box Office Results & Predictions, Retro Review, and Game Time.'