Out Now Bonus - August Free-For-All

Published: Aug. 29, 2012, 2:07 p.m.

b'This week\\u2019s episode of Out Now with Aaron and Abe is more or less a Free-for-All. Basically, given the time period (end of summer doldrums), we decided that not one movie necessarily needed a full episode devoted to it; so instead, we decided to talk about a multitude of flicks, with special guests Mark Hobin, Jordan Grout, and Markus Robinson, to share their thoughts as well. Aaron, Abe, and the gang, dig into Expendables 2, Premium Rush, Killer Joe, the films of Tony Scott, and much more. What started out as a simple idea for an episode regarding what we have watched, only went on to become almost a couple hours of good times, fun talks, and bitter arguments. #Phrasing.\\r\\n\\r\\nSo now, if you\\u2019ve got an hour to kill\\u2026'