Out Now Bonus - Audio Commentary for Pitch Black

Published: Aug. 31, 2013, 11:04 a.m.

b'You\\u2019re not afraid of the podcast, are you? Here we go; it is now time to jump on board with Riddick. Aaron is joined by guests Brandon Peters and Jim Dietz to discuss the film Pitch Black, the first film to kick off Vin Diesel\\u2019s sci-fi franchise. Plenty of fun to be had in this one, as the gang attempts to provide plenty of fun insight, but tends to get stuck on tangents that are just as entertaining. As always, feel free to synch up the movie with our recorded commentary or give it a listen on its own, the guys rarely stop talking, as they may not be able to see in the dark, but they can certainly talk in the dark, during a movie. Get ready for the Xander Zone!'