Out Now Bonus - A Spoiler-Filled Discussion of The Dark Knight Rises

Published: July 27, 2012, 2:07 p.m.

b'This special bonus episode of Out Now with Aaron and Abe is a continuation of The Dark Knight Rises episode. While the first episode was all about reviewing Batman\\u2019s latest adventures, while staying spoiler-free, this episode features a spoiler-filled discussion about the film. There is some quick talk about The Dark Knight Rises\\u2019 box office totals, but after that, the rest of the show is dedicated to The Dark Knight Rises and everything about it. Aaron (and Abe, eventually) is joined by guests Scott Mendelson, Jordan Grout, Alan Aguilera, and Adam Gentry. Differing viewpoints certainly lead to some spirited conversing, but overall, everyone just wants to pick apart (in positive and negative ways) the most anticipated film of the year.\\r\\n\\r\\nSo now, if you\\u2019ve got an hour to kill\\u2026'