Its All Connected 120 - Agents of SHIELD Runaways Punisher

Published: Jan. 12, 2018, 3:37 a.m.

b'This episode we mark the triumphant return of Matthew Aero and do some catching up with him about the Fox Disney deal, Infinity War trailer, and Thor Ragnarok. Then we discuss Agents of SHIELD Season 5 episodes 4-5, the first 1/2 of Marvels Runaways and episodes 5-13 of The Punisher.\\r\\n\\r\\nTime Stamps\\r\\n00:00:00 - 00:21:00 Catching up\\r\\n21:00 - 47:30 AoS\\r\\n47:30 - 1:16:30 Runaways\\r\\n1:16:30 - 1:53:24 Punisher\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\'