Creative Care and TimeSlips

Published: Jan. 24, 2022, 10:03 p.m.

Dr. Anne Basting has been trying to bring meaning making into care facilities for over 30 years. In her work with people with profound dementia, Anne has found that individuals were able to respond to improvisation and creative engagement.

In this episode, Anne shares amazing stories of how her organization, has been using various tools and techniques to build connection and meaning with people in various stages of dementia. Her book, Creative Care, offers many more inspiring stories. As part of this episode (which is recorded live), I show a picture of a dog wearing a feather boa. I asked Anne what types of "Beautiful Questions" she might use to help someone with dementia begin to talk about the picture.

Her work, her vision is to reorient care facilities from directing activities to inviting discovery. She believes that care facilities can be transformed from stigmatized centers into cultural centers by opening up meaning making.

We talk about her own experience after her mother was diagnosed with dementia and the struggle to grieve and at the same time use creativity to continue to connect. It is hard, and the time you have is precious.


As a caregiver or care partner, you need a team. You cannot do this alone.

People are afraid that working with people with dementia or in care settings will be depressing. Anne says they are wrong. It is a nourishing, powerful experience that can give meaning to you and to the person with dementia.

Websites we mentioned: 

To email Dr. Anne Basting -

To email Wendy Green -