Mark Olly : Polychronicon

Published: Feb. 10, 2023, 5:07 p.m.

Why has mainstream history ignored King Arthur, Merlin, and Joseph of Arimathea ? Why do the Elites believe in these stories and incorporate them into their mystery religions and orders? The Polychronicon is a ‘symphony of history’ over 40 years in the making, stretching from the end of the Greeks to the rise of the Tudors, focusing especially on topics which impact directly on the mythology of Merlin, Joseph of Arimathea, & Arthur, reconstructing the entire supposedly lost history of the Dark Ages from actual source materials written down at the time. This ‘symphony’ rises to a grand finale listing the majority of actual surviving written material clearly showing that Ancient Britain is nowhere as ‘dark’ as some would have you believe.  This is real history & archaeology, not just the invention of creative minds, & it reveals incidents & characters as they really were, listed in chronological order, leaving the impression that Britain has always been a very different place to the one painted by popular history.