Lea Tran - Liberate Yourself by Expressing Your Voice and Live Your Truth

Published: March 4, 2022, 11 p.m.

Lea Tran

Lea Tran is a TEDx speaker, keynote speaker, transformation coach, and author of her memoir "I Did Not Miss the Boat."

Lea Tran is a war survivor and penniless "Boat People" refugee went on to graduate from Villanova University.  A female scientist turned successful business owner, now a speaker and a coach. Lea continues to break one glass ceiling after another.  She inspires her audience to get out of their own molds so they can rock the boat of their lives with intention and purpose.

Her message of diversity, resilience and overcoming trauma has inspired countless people to take action toward change. She is  making a bigger impact by encouraging others "Not to miss their boats." 

"I believe that you can go beyond survival to create opportunities when life knocks you down. You can overcome dire situations and proactively take calculated risks, making the necessary change to master your fear. I have lived through a horrific piece of history to prove that it can be done through the arduous journey of escaping Vietnam communism. We survived a war torn country, domestic violence, poverty and social isolation to move on and thrive in a foreign land. It was not easy but achievable. If a refugee like me could do it, imagine how much more you could do."

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