Episode 31: Love Shaqsually

Published: Feb. 27, 2011, 12:43 a.m.



This week the boys are back after a brief hiatus due to the flu, babies being born, and vacation with the stars! The battle lines are drawn between Shiggins and Seth MacFarlane, talk of the end of the world, Shiggins is employed, Casey goes to Hollywood and solves the case of the new Wonder Woman, Gris Brook is the inspiration for Eddie Nero, Amazon goes toe to toe with NetFlix, Chris has punk cred and Casey is a cowardly FOT.


In the second half, Shiggins comes up with a new movie idea for Shaq, Casey and Chris go through TV therapy, Casey states that TV has simultaneously never been better or worse, Chris has to trim the fat in more ways than one and discusses his big summer plans! This one's great if we do say so ourselves!

