Overusing already overused cheesy terms like "Self-care" and "White mental space"

Published: Nov. 4, 2019, 3 a.m.

When I ask someone “What do you do for yourself? When do you take time for you only?” I’m usually met with a sarcastic smile or annoyed look before they say “Who’s got time for that? Are you kidding me? I barely find time to shower before I pass out at night! There simply isn’t time for me”. At the same time, there is an underlying brag, a sacrifice for the sake of others “I’m not selfish to take time for myself. You know how giving and caring and generous I am, right? Well, if you don’t there’s your proof!”. I’ve experienced first hand how putting yourself last not only won’t prove how much you love others, but it’s immature and irresponsible like you’d put the oxygen mask first on your two-year-old and after you’ve passed out, expect him to be safe and happy. You can’t pour from an empty cup. And if I’ve missed any other clichés, feel free to add them in the comments below! 

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