031 - Hedwig & The Angry Inch ("What If Billy Corgan Stole From Cher?") (w/ Ashley Rogers)

Published: May 31, 2022, 4 a.m.

b'Hedwig & The Angry Inch began as a 1998 off-Broadway stage show, before being adapted to film in 2001, directed by and starring John Cameron Mitchell, who also wrote and starred in the original play. The movie follows Hansel Schmidt, a gay youth in communist East Germany, who escapes with a lover by undergoing a botched sex change operation, only to be abandoned upon reaching America, and turning to rock music as an outlet. The film featured a soundtrack heavily influenced by glam-punk acts like The Stooges, The New York Dolls, and more, and tackled themes of queer identity, rock culture as applied to theater, and of the philosophical concept of the divided self. While not a hit at the time, Hedwig went on to be a cult classic, and would inspire a Broadway revival of the stage version years later.

On a new episode of Hell Is A Musical, Lilz and Scott welcome Ashley Rogers back to the pod to dig into Hedwig & The Angry Inch. Join them for frank discussions on dualism, queer identity, and unhinged impressions of Bobcat Goldthwait.

...with Lilz and Scott!'