Our Miss Brooks - Valentine's Card - No Response - Sitcom - Feb 20, 1949

Published: Feb. 3, 2020, 9:19 p.m.

Eve Arden is Our Miss Brooks, the English teacher at Madison High School where Mr. Conklin (Gale Gordon) is the Principal. Mrs. Davis is Miss Brooks landlady, Walter Denton (RIchard Crenna) is one of her students, Harriet Conklin is Mr. Conklin's daughter and Walter's heartthrob. Mr. Boynton, the Biology teacher (Jeff Chandler) is the object of Miss Brooks' affection, but he is clueless, but he does love his frogs! It all leads to a very funny episode of one of yours truly favorite sitcoms on radio and television. Maybe it is because during my working years I was a Biology teacher for 36 years... and those frogs kinda grow on you! :) This episode of Our Miss Brooks is in the "Valentine's Day" Playlist.