114 - One Great Big Festering Neon American Restroom Association

Published: Nov. 8, 2021, 8 a.m.


Biden is the new FDR, 'cept he's still got his functioning gams, jack! Some piece of shit judge wants to smooch with and make tender love to Kyle Rittenhouse. New psychological study says we're thought more highly of than we'll ever know. Some proto-Banksy enacted the inverse of Project Mayhem by covertly changing traffic signs on an LA freeway. The great Dave Anthony gives us a valuable scientific/political lesson and gets to slag Matty "One Billion American (Slaves) Needed" Yglesias along the way. CRT? More like See Me Pee (on the street because even toilets must be solely engines of capital consolidation). Also, the pinko commie rag The Economist reports on scientific findings indicating that two to four times as many people have died from coronavirus than the official number states. Long Covid is revealing itself to be more and more responsible for serious cognitive malfunction.

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