Everything Needs Maintenance - Including Your Marriage

Published: Aug. 9, 2018, 3:45 p.m.

Everything demands maintenance. Your car, your house, your body, and your marriage. Your car will eventually break down if it is not maintained. Your house will become dirty, dilapidated, and unlivable if not cleaned regularly. Your body will deteriorate even faster without proper diet and exercise.

Perhaps, most importantly, your love relationship within your marriage will weaken and even fracture if not properly maintained.

In this podcast, Dr. Ross introduces a series of podcasts (chapters) that will provide you with the tools, tricks, and wisdom to keep your love relationship in tip-top-shape!

 He says, "Every husband and every wife at some time in their marriage have this relational AHA moment when they declare to themselves something like, 'If this marriage is going to be what we want it to be, it's going to take some work.'"

The podcast is 9 minutes long.