When the Soul Goes Out

Published: Dec. 11, 2016, 4 a.m.


He is he says, on a mission from God, Robert Berman\\u2019s lifelong campaign for organ donation to be permissible under Jewish/Talmudic law \\u2013 Halacha \\u2013 is at the centre of an ongoing debate in Israel. Berman, a Harvard University graduate, is striving to change attitudes to the donating of organs and possibly redefine the strict and ancient definition of death.\\n \\nBerman has been referred to as \\u201cthe murderer\\u201d as he continues to promote donor cards to this traditional community. Berman\\u2019s campaign has left him at loggerheads with Orthodox Rabbis, who view him with outright suspicion and as an outsider who wants to reform Talmudic decrees.\\n \\nLipika Pelham meets Berman in Jerusalem discussing his belief that the Torah promotes all selfless acts, including specifically consensual live organ donor ship.

She takes to the street of Jerusalem amongst the religious Jews to explore with the faithful their attitudes to donating and receiving organs and whether there is a chance that the rules over when a person is dead can be altered to make donation allowable under Talmudic law. \\n \\nProduced and presented by Lipika Pelham

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