Finding Shelter In Germany's Cities of Refuge

Published: Jan. 14, 2018, 4:30 a.m.


Germany has gained itself the role as Europe\\u2019s great provider of sanctuary for some of the millions of refugees that have fled from the most troubled parts of the world.

But Chancellor Angela Merkel has come under fierce criticism over the million plus people who\\u2019ve sought asylum over the past two years, leading to her having to fight over the past days to retain her seemingly invincible power.

Churches, both Protestant and Catholic are defying the state and public opinion by opening their doors to offer refuge to migrants even though the state wants to send them home.

Dale Gavlak meets Christians who tell her they don\\u2019t ask if someone believes in the Christian God, to them they are all children of one God.\\n \\nBut not all people of faith feel that churches should offer migrants a roof despite their often horrific stories. Taking a Christian stance on people in need, seems to be clashing with a fractious political mood in Germany.
