White Star and Native Traditions Part Two | Healthy Mind | Alternative Health | Life Enthusiast Podcast | Podcast 254

Published: Oct. 24, 2011, 4 p.m.

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The OmHaven Ranch's mindset is based on earth friendly ecology, agri-tourism, ecological protection and restoration, environmentalism, green lifestyles, self sustainability, non-timber wildcrafting, metaphysical development, reiki, yoga and more.

We were previously Certified Organic by NOOA and still walk the talk.

OmHaven Ranch is a proud member of the BC Environmental Farm Plan initiative.

OmHaven Ranch is also home to the OmHaven Institute Society which is a nonprofit training institute with a mandate to openly collaborate towards an environmentally sound planet.

OmHaven Heritage Seed Bank
We are proud to facilitate the OmHaven Heritage Seed Bank, focused on storing and evolving heritage seed preservation, specifically sacred and ritual herbs.

Organic Heritage seeds planted into a variety of garden beds, produce, wild-crafted crops, field crops and with all of the right empowerment symbols, OmManna ORMUS Gold Fertilizers and many other earth blessings. Nutritional and delicious!

Come visit, relax, heal and rejuvenate in the ORMUS enriched fresh country air at the OmHaven Ranch, home to the sacred Starnation Lodge and Ceremony Grounds. Stay with us in one of our B&B cabins, Camping Facility or Tipi. Book your retreats, your Soul Get-Away or your day function at what some are calling the legendary fountain of youth.
