H3O2 - Detox and Clean Your Water - Podcast #290

Published: Jan. 18, 2015, 2:11 a.m.

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Biotite is a mineral with certain geological characteristics and was named in honor of a French physicist, Jean-Baptiste Biot. In Nature, biotite is in the form of very thin sheets of minerals and has a unique structure. Biotite deposits are found in many places around the globe but each deposit is different from all the others. The differences between them can be categorized by weight, mass, constituent profile, color, etc.

Research on the properties of biotite began in the 1960s and it was soon determined that it was jam packed with minerals. A process was invented to produce a super-concentrate, water purifying liquid from the biotite. The liquid was then filtered and diluted to make Biotite Concentrate (Liquid Crystal Minerals.) This process imitates Nature because when volcanic gases come in contact with water, they produce acidic compounds that, under the right temperature and pressure, in the presence of these biotite deposits, produce the same water purifying effects.

As a result of much research and investigation, this Biotite concentrate is now capable of sanitizing water, no matter how polluted it might be, no matter what the contaminants might be or where they may be. This is what makes Biotite such a revolutionary substance–it's ability to clean water no matter what.

Martin talks with Biotite founder, Owen Mullen, about the power of Biotite to clean and restucture water.

Use the Biotite Concentrate to:

  • soak/wash for produce that's not organically grown.
  • add to hot tubs, jacuzzi, whirlpool, spas, etc., instead of other chemicals - lasts up to eight months between uses.
  • add to a bath to create a mineral spa right in your own bathtub, and at a tiny fraction of the visit to a mineral spring.
  • replace chemicals that are ordinarily used for cleaning, for example, contact lens solutions or washing the kitchen countertops.
  • topical spray for houseplants or in the garden at a dilution level determined through experimentation.

Biotite Concentrate can also be diluted at the rate of 1000:1 for agricultural purposes because it improves the moisture characteristics of soil. Add it to the water, stir or agitate, then water your plants.

As a foliar spray for orchards, herbs or flowers.

Learn more at: http://www.life-enthusiast.com/biotiteliquidcrystalminerals-p-726.html

Biotite provides an easy, natural and effective way to eliminate and/or reduce chlorine, fluoride, a number of anaerobic bacteria (E.coli, pseudomonas, etc.), heavy metals (mercury, lead, arsenic, etc.) VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and cloudiness of water in cases where water has been contaminated.

This powerful process also ensures that the treated water, when stored properly, will stay pure for an extended period due to its natural stability.

A Revolutionary Way to
Restore Drinking Water to Its
Pristine Purity and Vitality