HC360 #075 Man Made EMF and How to Effectively Co-Exist with EMF Rocks Founder Justin Frandson

Published: Feb. 14, 2021, 11 p.m.

Trouble getting that good, solid deep sleep? Did you know that invisible radioactive stressors prevent us from getting that deep restorative healing sleep? I personally was shocked to find out that my home’s analog electric meter was switched out for a smart meter, and how horrible that is, to the health inside of our home. Honestly, I wasn’t fully aware of the science behind EMF, even though my wife would get headaches from her cell phone, and I was uninformed that while we’re sleeping, our brain is constantly being pinged all night from these man made millimeter waves, preventing that deep, healing sleep, not to mention all of the other negative health issues that EMF cause over time, both short and long. Today’s guest, Founder of EMF Rocks, is here to deep dive into the EMF radiation poisoning discussion and teach us how we can repel man-made EMF, heal, and co-exist by using grounding bags through the use of Tesla rocks. If you decide to purchase grounding rocks, please go to https://www.EMFRocks.com/Healthcare360, as they are officially now a Healthcare360 sponsor and affiliate. Thank you for your support and doing your part in helping more people heal and helping Healthcare360 grow. Healthcare360 Host: Scott E. Burgess www.ScottEBurgess.com Burgess@ScottEBurgess.com youtube.com/healthcare360withscotteburgess Healthcare360 Magic Maker: Michelle Burgess MagicMaker@ScottEBurgess.com Guest Contact: Justin Frandson Justin@athleticism.com linkedin.com/in/justin-frandson-4313422 https://athleticism.com/ https://EMFRocks.com/ Referenced Links: H360 #068 Dr Tom Cowan https://youtu.be/9NB3e8dfvEU The Invisible Rainbow by Authur Firstenburg https://www.amazon.com/Invisible-Rainbow-History-Electricity-Life/dp/1645020096 Dr. Martin Pall https://emfrocks.com/blogs/news/emfs-are-a-possible-class-2b-carcinogen Sacred Life Water https://sacredlifewater.com/ HC360 #067 Breathwork with Gina Avellan https://youtu.be/uEWbdbxenKU SAR level of phone https://emfadvice.com/sar-ratings-radiation-levels-smartphones/ Scott's Copper Faraday Fabric used in phone cases: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08BN89Z6M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_M4S1WB87JP7J9GT3WGBJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Michelle's EMF blocker blanket: https://www.defendershield.com/emf-radiation-protection-blanket Convert Your SMART Meter To Analog https://emfrocks.com/blogs/news/convert-your-smart-meter-to-analog Grounding Bags https://emfrocks.com/products/deep-sleep-grounding-bag Stetzer Electric Meter https://www.stetzerelectric.com/store/microsurge-meter/ Acoustimeter https://www.amazon.com/Acoustimeter-Meter-Model-AM-10-Protection/dp/B00F5494K8 Athleticism by Justin Frandson https://athleticism.com/products/athleticism-whole-body-whole-brain-performance-book Josh Del Sol: Take Back Your Power (2013) https://m.imdb.com/title/tt2644196/ HC360 #060 Dr Christina Rahm https://youtu.be/ou2qfe254Vo HC360 #074 The Root Brands' Clayton Thomas https://youtu.be/Qhskmm0tyD4 Dr. Barre Paul Lando Independent 3rd Party Test Results https://emfrocks.com/blogs/news/possible-dampening-effects-of-5g-bags HC360 #064 Joe Mullings https://youtu.be/AXRlDLod_E0 HC360 #035 Lonny Stormo https://www.scotteburgess.com/podcast-episodes/the-rapid-change-of-healthcare-with-ceo-lonny-stormo Dr. Darren Weissman's Lifeline Technique https://www.thelifelinecenter.com/ B3 Bands https://b3sciences.com/ Kelly Brogan, MD https://kellybroganmd.com/ Zach Bush, MD https://zachbushmd.com/ Joe Rogan Experience #1035​ - Paul Stamets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPqWstVnRjQ&ab_channel=PowerfulJRE Faraday Bag https://emfrocks.com/products/faraday-bag Dr. Andrew Kaufman, MD https://www.andrewkaufmanmd.com/ Primal Resonance by Dr. Stephen Schwartz https://www.amazon.com/Primal-Resonance-Discover-Vitality-Performance/dp/0988447142 Music provided by: IMMEX - Blue Shark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1pmz9IJ1CA Graphic Design by: Waqar Mughal waqarstudio92@gmail.com