HC360 #064 Wake Up Call for MedTech with CEO Joe Mullings of The Mullings Group

Published: Dec. 6, 2020, 5:29 p.m.

This is a Wake Up Call for the MedTech Industry. The Founder, Chairman and CEO of the world’s leading search firm in MedTech, Joe Mullings of The Mullings Group, is here today in-studio for Episode #064. I have been warning 360Nation about the Medical Excise Tax leading up to this recording - I was wrong, that is miniscule to what is coming - and MedTech needs to listen to these wise words from Joe and make the shift now! Covid is killing legacy thinking, the days of episodically treating people and reps in the hospital are just a few of the changes on the horizon - join us as we prepare career minded people for the shift that is coming and deep dive into the open architecture mindset. I really appreciate Joe Mullings for joining me in the Public Service Announcement for all in the healthcare industry. Please share and prepare...NOW! The best way you could help H360 is to share and provide feedback. If you have suggestions or would like to share your thoughts on Healthcare360 be sure to reach out by email at burgess@scotteburgess.com or visit or website at scotteburgess.com. If you have not had a chance to visit our YouTube page, head on over there, subscribe, like, and hit that notification bell. Be sure not to miss next week's conversation episode #65 where we pick up on the Lessons Learned conversation with my wife Michelle Burgess. As always thank you for being here and for being a part of the Healthcare360 Nation Healthcare360 Host: Scott E. Burgess www.ScottEBurgess.com Burgess@ScottEBurgess.com Healthcare360 Magic Maker: Michelle Burgess MagicMaker@ScottEBurgess.com Guest Contact Info: Joe Mullings linkedin.com/in/joemullings Mullingsgroup.com jmullings@mullingsgroup.com https://truefuture.tv/ Referenced Info: Livongo.com Zimmerbiomet.com Fresenius fmcna.com Smith-Nephew.com Medtronic.com Bostonscientific.com Edwards.com Teladoc.com DanielBurkhoff.com/ MassMEDIC.com Brian Johnson https://www.massmedic.com/about/##brian-johnson-bio verbsurgical.com Amazon’s Halo Google’s Fitbit HC360 #002 Tatiana Guimares https://www.scotteburgess.com/podcast-episodes/retail-healthcare-with-architect-tatiana-guimares HC360 #011 Dr. Brian Dooreck https://www.scotteburgess.com/podcast-episodes/a-new-social-approach-to-healthcare-with-dr-brian-dooreck HC360 #014 Dr. Brent Lacey https://www.scotteburgess.com/podcast-episodes/the-scope-of-practice-with-dr-brent-lacey EMR (Electronic Medical Record) - designed for billing GP (General Practitioner) Ai (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning 23andme.com EdwardSnowden.com PillPack.com Airbnb.com Geoff Martha https://www.medtronic.com/us-en/about/leadership/geoffrey-martha.html linkedin.com/in/geoff-martha Dennis Kogan - Carsyntax https://caresyntax.com/team-member/dennis-kogan/ Intuitive.com CRM (Cardiac Rhythm Management )Rep CMOs (Chief Medical Officer) Impellasmartassist.com Nadine Hachach-Haram with Proximie.com linkedin.com/in/nadine-hachach-haram-bem BrightInsight.com/ Flex.com AWS.amazon.com HC360 #038 John Murillo https://www.scotteburgess.com/podcast-episodes/retiring-a-look-back-valuable-insight-of-whats-to-come-with-john-murillo HC360 #059 with Nate Yuen https://www.scotteburgess.com/podcast-episodes/hc360-059-surgical-tower-expansion-project-key-takeaways-with-value-analysis-executive-nate-yuen Dr. Peter Fitzgerald www.triventures.net/team/dr-peter-fitzgerald/ Michal Geva www.triventures.net/team/michal-geva/ Covid EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) Michael V. McConnell linkedin.com/in/mvmcconnell SAS Company (Software as a Service) VNA (Vendor Neutral Archive) Yuval Harari https://www.ynharari.com/ Dr. Eric Topol Deep Medicine https://drerictopol.com/ Jordan B. Peterson https://www.jordanbpeterson.com/ Music provided by: IMMEX - Blue Shark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1pmz9IJ1CA Graphic Design by: Waqar Mughal waqarstudio92@gmail.com