HC360 #054 Human Trafficking with Chris O’Neal

Published: Sept. 27, 2020, 3:40 p.m.

Human Trafficking - the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world, and wherever you are, I can guarantee it’s happening in a town or city near you. Here’s what we need to do, become less distracted and become more cognizant of our surroundings, that’s it! That’s the point we talk about in episode #54. Learn why the United States is the #1 producer and consumer of child pornography, creating the overall market demand for this atrocious act, and the shocking numbers that should upset us all surrounding child pornography, child labor, and child organ harvesting. My good friend Chris O’Neal brought present day slavery and this global criminal business to my attention. Chris is someone who was able to see past the noise and decided to do his part and volunteer his time in the crusade against this human crisis. The motivational component of this episode is Chris’ decision to contact Operation Underground Railroad, spearheaded by Tim Ballard, who for 10 years fought as a U.S. Special Agent to dismantle child trafficking rings. Through Chris’ recent experience with Operation Underground Railroad, Chris will personally shine light on misconceptions, elitism, and media flips, explain what an airport handoff is, and provide insight on how we can learn more. I think Chris is a rockstar for seeing a problem and jumping in to help, we need to be more like Chris, and I’m proud to be his friend. Healthcare360 Host: Scott E. Burgess www.ScottEBurgess.com Burgess@ScottEBurgess.com Healthcare360 Magic Maker: Michelle Burgess MagicMaker@ScottEBurgess.com Guest Contact Info: Chris O’Neal linkedin.com/in/christopher-oneal-cpa-mba-37458322 chrisonealcpa@gmail.com Facebook: Christopher O'Neal Facebook Group: Palm Beach Operation Underground Railroad Volunteer Search Referenced Info: Operation Underground Railroad https://ourrescue.org/ https://ourrescue.org/join-the-fight https://ourrescue.org/training info@ourrescue.org Virtual 5K Race to End Human Trafficking https://fb.me/e/59HlO2Usf Operation Toussaint: Operation Underground Railroad and the Fight to End Modern Day Slavery (2018) Stats stated in recording: https://youtu.be/7q8dYM90PJA https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9397842/ Joe Rogan Experience #1536 - Edward Snowden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Rl82OQDoOc&ab_channel=PowerfulJRE Patriot Act https://www.congress.gov/107/plaws/publ56/PLAW-107publ56.pdf Crimes Against Children program https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/violent-crime/cac Child Exploitation Investigation Unity https://www.ice.gov/predator 2006 Adam Walsh Child Protection Act https://www.congress.gov/bill/109th-congress/house-bill/4472 Palm Beach County https://discover.pbcgov.org/publicsafety/victimservices/Pages/human-trafficking.aspx 2020 Trafficking in Persons Report https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/2020-TIP-Report-Complete-062420-FINAL.pdf Fastest Growing in the World https://oag.ca.gov/human-trafficking#:~:text=Human%20trafficking%20is%20among%20the,of%20our%20most%20vulnerable%20populations. Out of Shadows (2020) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12131262/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=In-uyI7ema4&ab_channel=FaithUnveiledNetwork Cindy McCain https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4849210/user-clip-cindy-mccain-admits-knew-epsteins-trafficking Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies, and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators by Ronan Farrow https://amzn.to/3iT7PoB Zig Ziglar’s Automobile University https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1XZOXMXmAA&ab_channel=ZiglarInc. Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies, and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators by Ronan Farrow https://amzn.to/3iT7PoB (Un)well - Netflix Series https://www.netflix.com/title/81044208 Music provided by: IMMEX - Blue Shark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1pmz9IJ1CA Artwork & Graphic Design Provided by: Aji Danoe529@gmail.com Waqar Mughal waqarstudio92@gmail.com