HC360 #035 - The Rapid Change of Healthcare with CEO Lonny Stormo

Published: May 18, 2020, 2:56 p.m.

My guest today delivers a wealth of experience, wisdom and foresight to Healthcare360 Nation for podcast #35. Meet Lonny Stormo, CEO of POPS! Diabetes Care, a leader in healthcare for 35 years with a profound understanding of product development and operations. Lonny and I will discuss technology and consumer demand and how the two will bring rapid change to reshaping healthcare, and how Artificial intelligence will enable a person to become their own physician - very interesting points. Lonny will also tell us about his company POPS! and how his experience as a diabetic patient with the same standard of care for 20 years inspired him to engineer revolutionary technology enabling consumers to take control of their own healthcare. And yes, when you get two IT gurus together, virtual bots is always a topic point! I hope you enjoy this episode, please share it and let’s keep the conversation going! We wish you all health, strength and resilience, thank you for joining Healthcare360 Nation. If you would like to have a conversation about a topic you would like HC360 to discuss, or would like to be a guest on HC360, please click below and choose a time to talk with Scott! https://calendly.com/healthcare360/hc360-podcast-inquiry Let’s keep this conversation going, and thank you for being a part of the Healthcare360 Nation. Healthcare360 Host: Scott E. Burgess www.ScottEBurgess.com Burgess@ScottEBurgess.com Healthcare360 Magic Maker: Michelle Burgess MagicMaker@ScottEBurgess.com Guest Contact Info: Lonny Stormo linkedin.com/in/lonnystormo @LonnyStormo lonny.stormo@popsdiabetes.com POPS! Diabetes Care, Inc. https://popsdiabetes.com/ https://medicalalley.org/2019/04/for-the-record-with-lonny-stormo-ceo-pops-diabetes-care/ Referenced Resource: Medtronic https://www.medtronic.com Teladoc Health, Inc. https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/tdoc HC360 #002 - "Retail Healthcare" with Architect Tatiana Guimares https://www.healthcare360podcast.com/podcast/episode/a1ccb42c/hc360-002-retail-healthcare-with-architect-tatiana-guimares Clay Christensen - Concentric Circle Model https://www.digitalriptide.org/person/clay-christensen/ Amazon Care - Healthcare Built Around You https://amazon.care/ Nokia Morph https://gizmodo.com/nokia-morph-cellphone-rolls-up-stretches-cleans-itsel-360260 HC360 #008 - Big data and Artificial Intelligence with Healthcare Data Phenom Tom Solet https://www.healthcare360podcast.com/podcast/episode/b0ae1440/hc360-008-big-data-and-artificial-intelligence-with-healthcare-data-phenom-tom-solet Music provided by: IMMEX - Blue Shark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1pmz9IJ1CA Artwork Provided by: Zaky zakykurniawan922@gmail.com Waqar Mughal waqarstudio92@gmail.com