Healthcare IT Today: 2020 Presidential Election and Health IT

Published: Oct. 31, 2020, midnight

For the 48th episode of the Healthcare IT Podcast, we're talking about the 2020 Presidential Election and Its Impact on Health IT. Tomorrow is election day in the US and with every presidential election, there's an impact on healthcare. Whether it's new legislation or other changes, the one reality with a US presidential election is that healthcare is impacted.

Just so it's clear, in this episode, we don't talk about what we'd like to have happen or who we'd like to be president or those types of questions. Instead, we talk about what we think is going to happen if either Trump or Biden get elected and what impact that will have on healthcare and health IT. We also dive into when we might see changes. Plus, Colin offers some interesting insights into universal healthcare (Medicare for All if you will) and how that happened in Canada.

Here’s a quick preview of the topics and questions we discuss in this episode:

* What if Biden wins the US presidential election?
* What if Trump wins the US presidential election?
* What policy and regulations could be impacted?
* What will be the impact of either on health IT?

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