The Skinny on the Kneber Botnet

Published: Feb. 18, 2010, 8:18 p.m.

b'Alex Cox, Research Consultant and Principal Analyst, NetWitness\\n\\n

Alex Cox, a research consultant and principal analyst at the IT security firm NetWitness, discovered last month the Kneber botnet, a variant of the ZueS Trojan that he says has infested 75,000 systems in 2,500 corporate and governmental organizations worldwide. (See Botnet Strikes 2,500 Organizations Worldwide.) \\n\\n

In an interview, Cox describes:\\n\\n

  • How the Kneber botnet works.
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  • Who the malware targeted.
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  • Damage the botnet could cause.
    • \\n\\n

      Cox was interviewed by Eric Chabrow, managing editor.'