Cyber Crime: New Threats, New Targets

Published: April 16, 2010, 7:32 p.m.

b'Interview with Robert Richardson, Director of CSI\\n\\n

How vulnerable are organizations to cyber attack? It depends on your definition of "vulnerable," says Robert Richardson, Director of the Computer Security Institute (CSI). "There\'s vulnerable," he says, "and then there\'s likely to be attacked."\\n\\nIn an interview about current threats, Richardson discusses:\\n\\n

Ramifications of the Google attacks;
Security implications of Web 2.0 technologies;
What organizations can do now to minimize their risks.
\\n\\nRichardson has served on the CSI staff since 2003, having worked IT in various capacities for twenty years. He\'s given keynote presentations on three continents, often speaking about the CSI Computer Crime and Security Survey, an undertaking he directs each year. Prior to CSI, he was Senior Editor of CMP\'s Communications Convergence magazine for two years, where his beats included telecom security, wireless, Internet messaging, and next-generation phone systems. Before that, Robert was a frequent contributor to magazines and Web publications such as Ziff-Davis Internet Computing, BYTE, Network Magazine, and Small Business Computing.'