The Financial Struggles in Caregiving

Published: Oct. 1, 2013, 5:30 p.m.


The Financial Struggles in Caregiving
There is an estimated 44 million working family Caregivers in the United States today. Recent studies also indicate that due to time off of work, Caregivers can expect to lose wages totaling over $140,000! \\xa0According to eHealth Insurance, about one-third of adults who provide unpaid care for their elderly parents say they'll have to use their own retirement savings to help their parents financially.\\xa0
Our guest today, Nate Purpura, is the Director of Public Relations for and - division of eHealth, Inc has spent the last decade working in the health care and insurance industries.\\xa0
Having a grasp of finances is a critical component to Caregiving, but at times, an area that can be left unattended.
Through our conversation with Nate, we will learn why Caregivers often struggle with finances, along with gaining some helpful tips to make this area of our Caregiving journey less stressful so that we can all 'Be A Healthy Caregiver!'
