How To Navigate Senior Housing

Published: June 11, 2013, 5 p.m.


On Tuesday, June 11th we welcome Bruce Rosenblatt, \\xa0founder of Senior Housing Solutions to our show.\\xa0
\\xa0Senior Housing Solutions is a personalized resource that helps\\xa0guide\\xa0family members and their parents about senior housing and other care\\xa0options. \\xa0
Bruce has been involved with sales and marketing senior housing communities for nearly 25 years both as a consultant and executive with some of the nation\\u2019s leading for-profit and not for profit senior living companies and has successfully overseen the sales and marketing of over 30 properties throughout the country. \\xa0\\xa0
An expert in the field of senior\\xa0housing, Bruce \\xa0uses his personal knowledge to help individuals and families make a\\xa0well-informed\\xa0and educated decision. \\xa0And through our conversation today with Bruce, we will all learn how to 'Be A Healthy Caregiver!'\\xa0
