Director of the Critically Acclaimed Documentary, Gen Silent: Stu Maddux

Published: March 19, 2013, 5 p.m.


On Tuesday, March 19th we welcome Stu Maddux, Director and Producer of the critically acclaimed documentary, \'Gen Silent\'\\xa0to our show.\\xa0
The real life stories of love, commitment, discernment, hope, happiness and despair told through the lens of \\u201cGen Silent\\u201d\\xa0are gut wrenching, yet important for all audiences in order to understand the plight of LGBT seniors in America. \\xa0"The Generation that fought Hardest to come out, is going back in...To\\xa0Survive."
Producer/Director Stu Maddux\\xa0does a splendid job in piecing together these LGBT pioneers who helped paved the way for what we know today asGay Pride.
"The filmmaking is personal, heartbreaking, and the issues are real" - Huffington Post\\xa0
\\xa0Through our conversation today, Stu will help us all learn how to \\xa0\'Be A Healthy Caregiver\'
