People Get Ready Session 1: What's Left Building Power After The Elections (12-12-20)

Published: March 4, 2021, 4:50 p.m.

b"People Get Ready\\u2014Session One: What's Left?: Building Power After The Election with Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson & more.\\n\\nA conversation with organizers from across the country about what has been gained and learned from the last election and how we build power moving forward.\\n----------------------------------------------------\\n\\n*Anuncio en espa\\xf1ol abajo*\\n\\nIn the face of violent authoritarianism, deepening economic crisis, and a deadly pandemic, Left and progressive movements have doubled down in defense of our people. Over the past two years, the global left has built powerful coalitions, engaged in electoral experiments, and steadily reshaped the political terrain. What kind of power has been built through these efforts, however, and how do we pivot from defense to offense in the years ahead?\\n\\nJoin Center for Political Education and Haymarket Books for a half-day symposium on Saturday, December 12th from 1 PM to 7 PM EST for a conversation on beating the right, strengthening the Left, and charting a path to power.-\\n---------------------------------------------------\\n\\n\\xdanete con Center for Political Education y Haymarket Books para una conversaci\\xf3n sobre c\\xf3mo derrotar a la derecha, fortalecer a la Izquierda, y construir poder.\\n\\n----------------------------------------------------\\n\\nFrente al autoritarismo violento, una crisis econ\\xf3mica cada vez m\\xe1s grave, y una pandemia mort\\xedfera, los movimientos progresistas y de izquierda han redoblado su compromiso en defensa de nuestra gente. A lo largo de los \\xfaltimos dos a\\xf1os, la izquierda global ha construido coaliciones poderosas, experimentado con proyectos electorales, y constantemente reconfigurado el terreno pol\\xedtico. \\xbfQu\\xe9 clase de poder se ha construido a trav\\xe9s de estos esfuerzos, sin embargo, y c\\xf3mo pasamos de la defensa a la ofensiva en los pr\\xf3ximos a\\xf1os?\\n\\n\\xdanete con Center for Political Education y Haymarket Books para un simposio de medio d\\xeda el S\\xe1bado, 12 de Diciembre, de 1 a 7 PM (Hora del Este de los Estados Unidos) para una conversaci\\xf3n sobre c\\xf3mo derrotar a la derecha, fortalecer a la Izquierda, y trazar un camino al poder.\\n\\nWatch the live event recording:\\n\\nBuy books from Haymarket:\\n\\nFollow us on Soundcloud:"