Published: Feb. 9, 2022, 4:29 p.m.

A lone girl sits on a busy New York City subway. She is huddled in a warm, burgendy down coat and pink hat, in sharp contrast to the fluorescent lights and cold metal that's around her. She is intently reading something on her phone and as she scrolls a flush comes to her cheeks and her eyes widen in interest. The small rosebud "O" of her mouth is hidden beneath her KN95 mask.  A burly man in construction books sits down with a thud next to her, startling her focus.  She can't help but notice his thick thighs tightly stretched against the denim of his jeans, manspreading his way towards her.... .... What do you think?  Not bad for a first try? This month I can't wait to introduce you to Rachel Kramer Bussel, wonderwoman of a million literary things but this month, editor of the newly released anthology of erotica, "The Big Book of Orgasms, Volume 2."  I was lucky enough to be sent an early copy of this book to read as well as an earlier book she edited that was released in July 2021 entitled "Coming Soon: Women's Orgasm Erotica" and read both in tandem, switching back and forth between the two (often on the subway!).  In this episode, Rachel and I chat about what got her started in writing and editing erotica, how erotica can help us discover what turns us on without fear of shame or judgement, and why fantasy is such a necessary part of a healthy sex life, whether you're single or partnered. The Big Book of Orgasms released February 8th, 2022 for all of you looking to spice up your solo sex lives this V-Day and I highly recommend both books to treat yourself right! :) Buy the The Big Book on Amazon here. Buy Coming Soon at an independent retailer here. Learn more about Rachel here. Submit your own erotica for consideration of publication here!