Published: Oct. 27, 2021, 3:29 p.m.

Rachel is a fabulous single woman with a fascinating story that starts with finding her husband at a Mormon college that has traditional gender roles, going to China as newlyweds, leaving him, returning to China, experimenting with dating both sexes there, and ultimately returning stateside to Colorado.     Now... you don't have to necessarily move across the world to another country post-divorce, but In the process of trying to bend over backwards to make her marriage work, she ultimately lost so much of her true self that she found being in a strange city helped her process her emotions and reconnect with who she was at her core.   Similarly, our VOP Andrew picked up his life from conservative Christian Mississippi, where he married at a young age and moved to Utah as his divorce was finalizing.  And while both of these beautiful people suffered traumatic, tough experiences, they also found divorce to be a profound experience that they both needed to truly emerge as a stronger person more connected with their inner truth.   We're not saying you have to go to China or Utah to find yourself, but hey, if you have the opportunity to move cross country or across the world post-divorce, maybe try it.  #EatPrayLove, ya know?