Published: Aug. 31, 2021, 7:28 p.m.

Let's acknowledge some assumptions about older age that have been programmed into us. People of an older age naturally feel a need to settle down.   They get comfortable in their ways.  They're afraid to take risks.  They're happy the way things are.  They're inflexible. They don't take care of themselves and they "let themselves go", because they stop caring. All older men want to date much younger women. They give zero fucks. Okay, the last one is 100% true.  But the rest aren't always.  Why do we have certain preconceptions of certain age groups?  Who put them there?  Why do we let ourselves define people by age anyway?  My guest Kim, who is 59 and struggles with meeting men her age who match her at her enthusiasm for living, chats with me about when we decided what age meant what exactly, and what would happen if we all did away with that filter... who might you fall in love with if age wasn't an issue? VOP Ron, also 59, shares his side of the story on why men his age act a certain way and broadens to scope to consider culture and location.  Who would you fall in love with if you could unprogram yourself? Join us for this interesting convo and feel free to share your thoughts here or over on instagram @hashtagsinglepod!!