Published: July 14, 2020, 5:09 p.m.

There's a common belief that in certain circumstances - work, brunch with your grandparents, maybe the odd bachelorette party - it's considered impolite to broach certain topics.  You can probably guess what the trifecta is:  sex, religion, and - of course - politics.  But as mainstream culture begins to call out biases, the way forward just can't be to hide in your corner and pretend you don't have any opinion about anything.  How do we find a happy medium between the way we've been socialized as women to behave - mannered, respectful, not ruffling feathers - and asserting an opinion about what's happening in our culture?  And most of all, how do we do that in dating? My badass friend Melisa is unapologetically leaning in to her own personal standards and directly addressing today's hotbed issues face on.  We dive in with the curiosity: does that attract or repel men?  VOP Justin weighs in on his end about engaging in these conversations and what it is that makes a woman attractive to him. Where do you stand on letting someone you're interested in in on your political beliefs?  Is it important to you?  What's the timeline for asking someone where they stand politically?  The future of dating may just be determined by men who are not scared by strong, independent women who have an opinion about what's happening in our country.