Published: March 11, 2020, 3:01 p.m.

Ever been told you're intimidating?   Ever been told you're too much?  Ever been told you're overwhelming, too educated, a know-it-all, too successful, aggressive or assertive?   What about objectified?  For being a certain size, a certain shape, a certain weight,  a certain race?  How about just for being a f***king woman!??? This month we're joined by Leah V., a writer, model, body-positive activist and self-proclaimed "unashamed fat, black, Muslim" who is the absolute epitome of living a queenly badass existence.  Leah V. spills the deets on her love life and ten year marriage to a Muslim man who eventually came to reject the idea of marriage as a whole and land in a place of freedom and vocal empowerment.  We hash out what exactly is up with crappy opening lines (one more "Hey, how are you?" and we'll both vomit) and Darian joins us as the VOP to weigh in on why men feel the need to have status on a date.     We hope you find this episode as juicy and empowering as ever, and that you fall in absolute love with the charming Leah V!  Buy her new book here!