Published: Nov. 6, 2018, 5:13 p.m.

This episode is super special as we recorded it live in NYC at our launch party event last month.  To celebrate the introduction of #single into the podcast universe we threw a fundraiser event at a champagne speakeasy with flash tattoos and a killer raffle.  The headliner was a very special guest visiting from LA, Miss Daliya Karnofsky.  

Daliya is both a personal dating coach and successful concierge with Matchmakers in the City.  Traci & I interviewed her about the themes that constantly show up in her coaching with her clients, and then opened it up to a Q&A with our event attendees.

We talk about the theory of dating in numbers, how there must always be a masculine vs. feminine energy on a date (and in a relationship) and the lost art of flirting.  You don't want to miss Daliya's #1 tip for a successful first date - and trust us, it's something you're probably not doing.

Hope you enjoy this special live recording.  And let us know if you want us to hook you up with Daliya - she's always looking for new singles!