Tami Cromar RubySnap Cookies

Published: Nov. 9, 2011, 7 a.m.

b'As an architectural designer, cookies and baking were a side note in Tami Cromar\\u2019s life. When she wanted a little extra spending money, she\\u2019d bake. When she wanted to help her daughters raise funds, she\\u2019d bake. When she wanted a quality, memorable gift for her clients, she\\u2019d bake.

Over the course of 15 years, it was an accumulation of these incidences, coupled with her disillusionment with the design industry, that brought Cromar to a realization: It was time for cookies to move from the sidelines to the forefront of her life. So she quit her former career.With a vote of confidence from her family, and a $10,00 IRA, she began the process of opening the local bakery, RubySnap.'