4/21: Pfizers Vaccine Gave Will Shingles?

Published: April 21, 2021, 4 a.m.


There are 6 cases of the Pfizer COVID vaccine causing an outbreak of a herpes zoster/shingles rash in Israeli patients, according to the Jerusalem post and uh oh, Hard Factor Will who got the Pfizer shot has recently developed a rash.

(00:03:00) - Daily Buzz: Will goes through a Lightning Round of trending topics, including: a bunch of new Apple products announced, the super European soccer league is dead, Ted Nugent who once thought COVID was fake has COVID bad, and Derek Chauvin was found guilty on all charges

(00:14:10) - Pat tells us about how the President of Chad went full on old school and died in the front lines of battle in 2021.

(00:19:35) - Wes tells us about how Israel is alerting people that the Pfizer COVID vaccine may be activating herpes zoster or shingles in young people that have autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases.

(00:26:00) - Mark tells us about some genius in Taiwan that took advantage of the labour law of 8 days paid leave for marriage that married and divorced his wife four times this year for the paid leave.

(00:33:50) - Pat tells us about cat loving moonshine drinking Oregon man Mark Alan Fulk who got lost on the way to the vet and literally crashed a high school mock DUI crash, drunk.

(00:38:35) - Wes tells us about the new $42,000 vape job that opened up on 4/20, where all you need to do is smoke and review vapes all day.

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