1.19.21: Germany Thought It Wise to Call Their Covid Jails ‘Detention Camps’, Whose on Trump’s Pardon List, The Pretend Commute Trend

Published: Jan. 19, 2021, 5 a.m.

On Today's Episode....

- Germany is back at it again. By back at it again I mean they are putting people in detention camps again or thinking about it. In total four German states plan to place people who repeatedly refuse to quarantine after being exposed to COVID-19 in detention centers. Not sure how this got past the world but maybe think Germany should lay off describing gatherings within their borders as ‘camps’ for a while.

- Pat takes us through one of the last Trumpdates of Trump’s presidency including whose on his pardon list and how inauguration day will be unlike any we’ve scene in 152 years.

- It looks like the news of a Biden presidency has led to central America dusting off the old jumper cables and firing up the caravan again.

- An 18 year old woman who moved into a new home in Arizona got a little bonus the realtor didn’t tell her about when she looked behind a strange looking mirror in her bathroom.

- We take a look at the newest work trend during the Covid era.. the fake commute.

These stories and more….

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