How to be a Parent - by Tom the Turkey

Published: July 3, 2019, 3:37 a.m.

b"Mommin Ain't Easy. Annette and Jared take a few minutes to break down what they have learned so far being new parents. Jared shares why he is now the biggest fan of moms and moms to be and Annette shares some lessons she's learned from animals about how to be a better parent. Here\\u2019s a few links to some things we\\u2019re passionate about:\\n\\nAnnette\\u2019s new book - Simple Country Living\\n\\n\\n\\nFor our Workshops and How-to series -\\n\\nApple Podcasts -\\n\\n\\nSpotify -\\n\\n\\nWeb - and\\n\\nFollow along on IG or TikTok - @azurefarm"