H#124: Tim Allen (Animator Festival 2019)

Published: July 17, 2019, 5 p.m.

b"Podcast Hammerzeit okazjonalnie zahacza o wydarzenia kulturalne wi\\u0119kszej wagi, ni\\u017c premiera kolejnego superbohaterskiego wyczynu na kinowym ekranie. Tego lata przypad\\u0142o nam w udziale bycie zaproszonym na pozna\\u0144ski festiwal Animator, na kt\\xf3rym uda\\u0142o si\\u0119 porozmawia\\u0107 z wielce interesuj\\u0105cym cz\\u0142owiekiem. Tim Allen to animator wysokiej klasy, kt\\xf3rego umiej\\u0119tno\\u015bci mogli\\u015bcie ogl\\u0105da\\u0107 podczas seans\\xf3w m.in. Wyspy ps\\xf3w czy Fantastycznego pana lisa. Hubert pogada\\u0142, nagra\\u0142, a teraz mo\\u017cecie pos\\u0142ucha\\u0107 - wszystko w oryginalnej wersji j\\u0119zykowej. Zapraszamy te\\u017c na stron\\u0119 Tima Allena, bo a nu\\u017c zapragniecie pojecha\\u0107 do niego na warsztaty?\\n\\n--- English version below --\\n\\nHammerzeit podcast has an occasional tendency to take part in cultural events that have more meaning than another superhero movie extravanagza. This summer we were invited to Animator Festival and that allowed us to talk with a very interesting person (a VIP if you will). Tim Allen is a high profile stop-motion animator whose amazing skills were prominent in Isle of Dogs or Fantastic Mr Fox. Hubert had the opportunity to have a stimulating conversation with Tim and now you can hear all of it. And then you should take a look at his website and maybe book a masterclass? Also, go ahead and skip to 10:34 if you're not planning to learn Polish before listening."