262. Comic Book Writer/Artist Dan Jurgens

Published: Dec. 9, 2021, 2:01 a.m.

Dan Jurgens is a longtime writer and penciler who has written for iconic characters and created many of his own. He is perhaps best known for his work on the iconic DC storyline "The Death of Superman." He is credited with creating Doomsday, Hank Henshaw, and Booster Gold. He wrote for many other DC and Marvel characters throughout his incredible career. In this episode, Jurgens retells the story of how he and the Superman writers/artists conceptualized the Death of Superman, the Funeral for a Friend, and the Reign of the Supermen storylines. He also details comics writing after the Death of and gives his thoughts on comic writers seeing their work adapted in live-action or animated shows and films. Follow Dan Jurgens on Twitter @thedanjurgens. And visit www.danjurgens.com.