212. Transformers - War for Cybertron Trilogy (Season 1 REVIEW / Season 2 PREVIEW)

Published: Dec. 10, 2020, 1:01 a.m.

In 2020, the Transformers franchise debuted a new animated trilogy on Netflix entitled "War for Cybertron." Its first season, "Siege," debuted in July. The second season, "Earthrise," premieres on December 30th. It's a dark CGI animated series that is drawn from the Generation One or original Transformers series. The Hall of Justice Transformer Insider Anthony Brucale of TFU.INFO rejoins the show to review Season 1 and talk about what fans will enjoy and what hardcore Transformer fans have issues with. Brucale also discusses where the franchise is going with future projects both in the form of movies and animated shows.