005 - Meeting(raum) und Identity Protection

Published: Feb. 1, 2019, 3:36 p.m.


# News
\\n* Dropageddon und die Geschichte des Bring Your Own Key: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2019/01/30/azure_sql_delete/
\\n* Tesla Model Y kommt 2020
\\n* Neuer Save Dialog in Office: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Office-365-Blog/Save-your-files-to-the-cloud-more-easily/ba-p/325133
\\n* Azure AD B2B OTP oder das Ende des Shadow Tenants: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Azure-Active-Directory-Identity/Azure-AD-makes-sharing-and-collaboration-seamless-for-any-user/bc-p/326671
\\n* In eigener Sache: Audioqualit\\xe4t Podcast
\\n# Microsoft Teams Meeting Room
\\n"Microsoft employees have long asked for the company\\u2019s internal meetings to work better."
\\n* Proximity detection (coming soon), makes it easy to discover and add nearby, available Microsoft Teams Rooms to any meeting.
\\n* Companion experiences with mobile, to join your devices in content-only mode.
\\n* Support for dual screen rooms.
\\n* https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Microsoft-Teams-Blog/Introducing-Microsoft-Teams-Rooms/ba-p/323848
\\n* https://www.microsoft.com/itshowcase/blog/click-join-internal-meetings-get-a-boost-with-microsoft-teams/
\\n* https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Microsoft-Teams-Blog/Microsoft-Teams-meetings-and-calling-news-roundup-The-latest/ba-p/327006
\\n* https://products.office.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/across-devices?wt.mc_id=AID730242_QSG_SCL_312049&ocid=AID730242_QSG_SCL_312049
\\n* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ebJvEsVAnc
\\n# Identity Protection
\\nDie Basis-Technologie von Azure AD Identity Protection l\\xe4sst sich in zwei Punkten erl\\xe4utern:
\\n* Risky Sign-ins (kommt die Authentication tats\\xe4chlich vom richtigen User?)
\\n * A-typisches Reiseverhalten (10 Uhr morgens Login in Frankfurt, 11 Uhr morgens Login in Tel Aviv)
\\n * Anonymous IP (z.B. Tor Browser)
\\n * Ungew\\xf6hnlicher Login (anderes Device oder Netzwerk wie sonst)
\\n* Risky Users
\\n * Entweder durch ein Risky Sign-in (siehe oben)
\\n * oder weil Microsoft die Credentials des Users irgendwo im Darkweb gefunden hat
\\nMehr Infos hier: https://emptydc.com/2019/01/31/ai-protect-me/
\\n# Feedback, Kritik, Lob, Fragen?
\\n* Email: podcast@hairlessinthecloud.com
\\n* Twitter: @hairlesscloud
\\n* Web: www.hairlessinthecloud.com (Links zu allen Podcast Plattformen)
\\n* YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZyx8_G8bbB0YsjMLUGE87Q
\\n* Coverarts by Caro (mit Hilfe von pixabay.com)
